Monday, April 9, 2007

The "Science" of Wildfire

As users of public lands with an interest in forest management and how it realates to RV camping and other outdoor recreation activities, we're signed up to receive press releases from the USDA Forest Service. We received the following press release today titled...

New study sheds light on long-term effects of logging after wildfire.
Are severe reburns likely with or without logging?

You can read the full press release at RV Camping News. Look for the USDA Forest Service press release heading.

We're not so sure this study sheds much light on anything! The following is a direct quote from the end of the news release...

“Wood can be fuel in the short term or the long term, but that’s only part of the story. Wood is also wildlife habitat, and wood provides nutrients to the soil. Fire, ecological factors, and management objectives are all important. Our data show that there are no simple answers.”

WOW!! What an enlightening statement...NOT! After 3 years, you would hope that a little more than "our data show that there are no simple answers" would be the conclusion, but obviously, forest management isn't easy.

I agree that a study of this type could provide significant information useful to forest managers long term to help control wildfire and manage forest fuels appropriately. I guess they need to collect some more scientific data.

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